TU Dresden    
TU Dresden » Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften » Fachrichtung Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie » Metal-Organic Frameworks
Overview of granted projects - Part II

Zr-based metal-organic frameworks with tailored linkers:
Immobilized liquids for sorption, extraction and ionic conduction



        Professor Dr. Peter Behrens, Hannover
        Leibniz University Hannover
        Institute of Inorganic Chemistry B

        Professor Dr. Adelheid Godt, Bielefeld
        University of Bielefeld
        Institute of Organic Chemistry II

        Professor Dr. Michael Wark, Bochum
        Ruhr University of Bochum
        Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
        Chair of Industrial Chemistry


        Zr-based metal-organic frameworks with tailored linkers: Immobilized liquids for sorption, extraction and ionic conduction


        The goal is to create a liquid like phase within the pores of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and to use it for the transport of molecules and ions. This is based on the idea that the side chains of the organic building blocks (linkers) fill the pores and form a nanodrop of a phase which in respect to its order resembles a liquid, however, with the main difference that translation is inhibited through the anchoring at the linkers. This is why we use the term immobilised liquids. The immobilisation inhibits leakage of the liquid and microphase separation. The regular arrangement of the pores offers energetically homogeneous paths for species which are to be transported, the stiffness of the framework strongly limits swelling and shrinkage of the liquid. These properties are of significant importance for sorption, extraction and ion conduction. The MOFs with immobilised liquids will be explored in respect to these processes. Our focus will be on Zr-MOFs of the UiO and PIZOF type. The side chains will be tailored for the application: hydrophobic, hydrophilic, fluorophilic for sorption and extraction; polyether for Li+ conduction; polyether with protogenic groups for proton conduction. They will either be attached to the linkers before the synthesis of the MOF or introduced by postsynthetic modification of the MOFs.









































Project Assistant

Phone: +49 351 463-33632
Fax: +49 351 463-37287


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Neubau Chemische Institute,
Zi. 462

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